Popular types of warehouse for rent are applied by many businesses today

In the context of economic development and increasing demand for storing goods, choosing a suitable type of warehouse rental is essential for businesses. Below are the popular types of warehouses for rent today, along with the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Some types of warehouse for rent widely used by businesses in production and business operations

Some types of warehouse for rent widely used by businesses in production and business operations

Traditional Warehousing

  • Traditional warehouse for rent is a goods storage model that uses manual methods for management and operation. Warehouse import and export activities, inventory of goods, and movement of goods are all performed by human power, with little use of automation technology.

  • Manual management system: Use books, warehouse delivery notes, and warehouse receipt notes to monitor the status of goods.

  • Manual operation: Move goods with hand forklifts, trolleys, load and unload goods with human power.

  • Large warehouse area: Needs a lot of space to store goods and arrange goods manually.

  • High operating costs: Due to the use of many workers and little automation.

  • Low efficiency: The speed of importing and exporting warehouses and inventorying goods is slow, easily causing errors.


  • Low initial investment costs: No need to invest much in equipment and management software.

  • Easy to deploy: Simple operating model, easy to apply for small and medium-sized businesses.

  • Flexible: Can be flexibly adjusted according to the changing needs of the business.


  • Low efficiency: The speed of importing and exporting warehouses and inventorying goods is slow, easily causing errors.

  • High operating costs: Due to the use of many workers and little automation.

  • Requires large warehouse area: Needs a lot of space to store goods and arrange goods manually.

  • Difficulty in management: Managing goods by books, warehouse delivery notes, and warehouse receipt notes can easily lead to errors and loss of goods.

  • High risk of occupational accidents: Due to using a lot of human strength and moving goods by hand.

Mobile Warehousing

  • Mobile warehouse is a goods storage model that uses a mobile shelf system to optimize warehouse area and create flexible aisles for importing and exporting warehouses and inventorying goods.

  • Mobile shelf system: Shelves can move on rails installed on the warehouse floor.

  • Optimize warehouse area: Mobile shelving system helps make the most of warehouse area, increasing storage capacity of goods up to 80%.

  • Flexible aisles: The aisles between shelves can be expanded or narrowed according to needs, creating favorable conditions for importing and exporting warehouses and inventorying goods.

  • Efficient goods management: Mobile shelving system provides easy access to any goods, convenient for inventory and goods management.

  • Cost savings: Minimize warehouse construction costs, save operating costs by using fewer workers.

Benefits when renting mobile storage

  • Optimize warehouse area: Increase goods storage capacity up to 80%, saving warehouse space.

  • Flexible aisles: Create favorable conditions for importing and exporting warehouses and inventorying goods.

  • Efficient goods management: Easy access to any goods, convenient for inventory and goods management.

  • Cost savings: Minimize warehouse construction costs, save operating costs.

  • Labor safety: Reduce the risk of labor accidents by limiting the movement of goods by hand.

Mobile warehouse

Mobile warehouse


  • High initial investment cost: Mobile shelf systems have a higher cost than fixed shelves.

  • Warehouse space requirements: Warehouse space needs to be flat and have high load-bearing capacity to install mobile shelving systems.

  • Periodic maintenance requirements: Mobile shelving systems need periodic maintenance to ensure safe and effective operation.

Automated Warehousing

  • Automated warehouse is a goods storage model that uses an advanced automation system to perform activities such as: importing and exporting warehouses, transporting goods, arranging goods, inventorying goods,… no need for human intervention.

  • Automation system: Use robots, conveyors, warehouse for rent management system (WMS) to perform warehouse operations automatically.

  • Optimize efficiency: Speed ​​of import and export of warehouses, inventory of goods quickly and accurately, minimizing errors and loss of goods.

  • Cost savings: Minimize labor costs and operating costs.

  • Improve productivity: Increase warehouse productivity, meet increasing storage and import and export needs.

  • Labor safety: Minimize the risk of labor accidents by limiting the movement of goods by hand.

Main ingredient

  • Storage system: Including automatic shelves, robot picking system (AS/RS), conveyor system.

  • Transportation system: Including self-propelled guided vehicles (AGV), automatic forklifts (Automated Forklift).

  • Warehouse management system (WMS): Helps manage goods information, coordinate warehouse activities, and monitor the status of goods in the warehouse.

Benefits of automatic warehouse for rent

  • Optimize efficiency: Speed ​​of import and export of warehouses, inventory of goods quickly and accurately, minimizing errors and loss of goods.

  • Cost savings: Minimize labor costs and operating costs.

  • Improve productivity: Increase warehouse productivity, meet increasing storage and import and export needs.

  • Labor safety: Minimize the risk of labor accidents by limiting the movement of goods by hand.

  • Improved traceability: Easy access to any goods in the warehouse, convenient for inventory and goods management.

  • Enhance competitiveness: Help businesses improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, thereby enhancing competitiveness in the market.

Disadvantages of automatic warehouse

  • High initial investment costs: Investment costs for automation systems and WMS software are higher than traditional warehouse models.

  • Requires high technical level: A team of highly technical staff is required to operate and maintain the automation system.

  • Low adaptability: It is difficult for automation systems to adapt to sudden changes in storage needs or warehouse for rent operations.

Cold Storage

Cold storage is a goods preservation system that uses refrigeration technology to maintain temperature and humidity at a certain level, ensuring the quality of goods stored for a long time. Cold storage is commonly used to preserve foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, fruits,…



  • Freezing warehouse: Store goods at temperatures below 0°C.

  • Frozen storage: Store goods at temperatures from 0°C to -18°C.

  • Cool storage: Store goods at temperatures from 0°C to 10°C.

By scale

  • Mini cold storage: Under 100 m³.

  • Medium cold storage: From 100 m³ to 500 m³.

  • Large cold storage: Over 500 m³.

Structure in cold storage

  • Warehouse shell: Made of insulating materials such as PU panel, EPS,… to prevent heat from escaping.

  • Refrigeration system: Includes compressor, refrigeration unit, outdoor unit, gas pipeline system, control system.

  • Door system: Use specialized cold storage doors to ensure tightness and prevent heat loss.

  • Shelf system: Use shelves to arrange goods scientifically, convenient for storing and retrieving goods.

  • Monitoring system: Use a temperature and humidity monitoring system to ensure optimal storage conditions for goods.

Benefits of using cold storage

  • Extend storage time: Cold storage helps prolong the storage time of goods, minimizing damage and mold rot caused by microorganisms and other agents.

  • Maintain quality: Cold storage helps preserve the original flavor, color, nutrition and properties of the goods.

  • Ensuring food safety and hygiene: Cold storage helps ensure food safety and hygiene, preventing the entry of bacteria and other harmful agents.

  • Increase business efficiency: Help businesses reduce costs of wastage and loss of goods, increase business efficiency.


  • Food preservation: Meat, fish, seafood, fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs,…

  • Preserving beverages: Beer, soft drinks, juice,…

  • Pharmaceutical preservation: Medicines, vaccines, medical chemicals,…

  • Preserving agricultural products: Rice, fruits, vegetables,…

  • Preserving other items: Cosmetics, fresh flowers, pictures, antiques,…


Transit warehouse for rent is a warehouse model that operates according to the process of receiving goods from suppliers, preliminary classification and shipping directly to customers without storage. This model helps shorten shipping time, minimize storage costs and improve supply chain efficiency.

  • Non-warehoused goods: Goods are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, only kept in the warehouse for a short time for classification and arrangement.

  • Fast goods processing speed: By minimizing storage time, transit warehouses help increase the speed of goods processing, shortening delivery time to customers.

  • Cost savings: Because there is no need to store goods for a long time, businesses save costs on warehouse rental, warehouse management and goods preservation.

  • Improve supply chain efficiency: Transshipment warehouses help optimize the supply chain, minimize inventory, increase the ability to meet customer needs and improve business performance.

Operating process

  • Receiving goods: Goods are transported from the supplier to the transit warehouse.

  • Goods classification: Goods are classified by order, customer or delivery area.

  • Arranging goods: Goods are arranged on the truck in order of delivery.

  • Delivery: Goods are delivered directly to customers

Cross-Docking model

Cross-Docking model

Benefits of renting a transit warehouse

  • Shorten delivery time: Goods are shipped directly to customers without the need for storage, helping to shorten delivery time and increase customer satisfaction.

  • Minimize storage costs: Because there is no need to store goods for a long time, businesses save costs on warehouse for rent, warehouse management and goods preservation.

  • Increase the ability to meet demand: Transit warehouses help businesses flexibly adjust goods output according to market demand, increasing the ability to meet customer needs.

  • Improve supply chain efficiency: Transshipment warehouses help optimize the supply chain, minimize inventory, increase capital turnover and improve business performance.


  • Retail supply chain: Suitable for retail businesses with many products with high and frequent delivery needs.

  • Manufacturing supply chain: Suitable for manufacturing businesses with many suppliers and customers, needing flexible transportation of components and finished products.

  • E-commerce supply chain: Suitable for e-commerce businesses that need fast and cost-effective delivery.


Choosing the appropriate type of warehouse rental depends on the needs and conditions of each business. Each type of warehouse has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, so businesses need to consider carefully to make optimal decisions. Hopefully this article has given you an overview of the popular types of warehouse for rent today and helps you choose the right solution for your business.

>>> See more: Premium warehouse for lease in Vietnam

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